There's many people in the city

Judit Godall 13 respuestas
Hi guys! I've heard many times in English: "There is" followed by a plural noun. I know it is grammaticaly incorrect, but I keep hearing it a lot everywhere. So, is it allowed to use it? At least, when speaking? Thanks in advance everyone!
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Hi I believe it depends on what you mean by "allowed". It's gramatically incorrect and nothing can change that. Many american people speak or write incorrectly and nobody says anything because the essence of their message gets through, which I guess is one of the main objectives of human language. I, personally, try to speak and write the right way. In a formal context, definitely try to avoid these wrong expressions.
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Karen Tenorio Arellano
I agree with Alexis. Plus think about rappers who intentionally make grammatical errors. It feels like those errors are deliberately made as part of a subculture.
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Lizet Romero
I agree,it´s great fo you to notice it´s wrong! I think you should also analyze the place where you hear it and what was the purpose of it: If you are writting an essay, definitely you shouldn´t use it! If you are chatting with some friends who actually have this mistake, you can use it too. If you are taking an exam, you shouldn´t use it.
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John Godbe
In fact, it's far more common to hear "there's a lot of people" in so-called "UK" English than "US" English due to the prevalence of non-rhotic dialects in England, Wales, Australia, and New Zealand (much less so in Scotland and Ireland). It's a question of euphony and connected speech, not that American (capital A, always) speakers tend to use the language incorrectly. In non-rhotic dialects, the expression "there are a ..." is *spoken* basically as a homophone of "they're", "there", and "their". To make the intended meaning more clear, speakers might insert a grammatically "incorrect" 's/z', but those same people probably wouldn't write it that way.
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Matthew Astra
Profesor Pro
There is a tendency to use there is for plural nouns, mainly because the verb comes before the noun. Sometimes the verb comes way after the noun that we don't have time to think about whether the noun ahead of us is singular or plural. For example, "there's a lot of white cars parked outside." Therefore, many speakers tend to use the singular form. Never do the opposite. Do not use there are with singular and uncountable nouns.
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Matthew Astra
In my second sentence, I meant, "the noun comes way after the verb." I'm sorry for the confusion.
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Olga Kliwadenko
Use there is when the noun is singular (“There is a horse”). Use there are when the noun is plural (“There are several horses”).
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Edward Martin
Hi there Judit! The answer is clear. In speaking and in some informal writing (at least in the UK), we use there’s even when it refers to more than one. This use could be considered incorrect in formal writing or in an examination: There’s three other people who are still using digital alarm-clocks. There’s lots of scooters in the parking area.
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Bárbara Michea
Exactly! It should technically be incorrect, but in speaking we use it all the time!
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Nicolas Blanco
The contraction makes all the difference here....there is + plural noun e.g. "there is people outside'' is 100% wrong under any circumstances, but there's + plural noun e.g. ''there's people outside", while not grammatically correct, is very common in spoken English. This has nothing to do with the speaker's social status or level of education. It's a ''mistake'' people make on purpose, simply because saying "there's" is quicker and requires less effort than saying "there are''. In written English, there's / there is should always be followed by a plural noun.
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Nicolas Blanco
correction: In written English, there's / there is should always be followed by a SINGULAR noun :P
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Manuel Tello
Hi Judit! People being a plural noun, the correct way should be There are, so that there's agreement , but There's many people is used by natives sometimes, although not correct grammatically
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Ana López Martín
Profesor Pro
Judit, There is sólo puede ir seguido de nombres en singular, o incontables. There´s a tree, there´s some sugar. En plural hemos de utilizar there are. People en inglés es plural, por tanto utilizaremos there are, ejemplo: there are a lot of people. There´re some trees or there are some oranges. En el lenguaje oral las reglas gramaticales se soslayan muy a menudo.
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Hello there!, "there are a lot of people" would be the correct form, since the word "many" is used mainly in questions and negative sentences. Regards!
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Daniel Juan Rodríguez
Profesor Pro
It is correct to use "there is" followed by a plural noun when the subject of the sentence is singular and refers to a group or a collection of individuals or things. For example, "There are many apples in the basket," "There is a group of people waiting in the lobby," "There are a few issues that need to be addressed." In this context, "there is" is used to indicate the presence of a group or collection of things or people, but it is still considered singular because the subject "there" is singular.
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It's just "daily English."
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