jose 10 respuestas

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre spot, place and site?
Judit Godall
3 respuestas
Good afternoon everybody!I could use some help to find out any difference among the similar words spot, place and site.Could anyone enlighten me please?Cheers!Jud
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Salomé Martínez
Profesor Pro
Place is a very general term. It is usually used to describe a country, a street, a house, etc.
Spot refers to the exact place or location- Example: "X marks the spot in the map"
Site is used mainly in order to make reference to archaeology or History, Internet, or even a building project
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Warren ONDO
Profesor Pro
Spot : un espacio pequeño o tambien una plaza o asiento ….
Place : Donde vives o otro lugar que sea como una sala o algo abierto para divertirse y para trabajar ( casa , restaurante , piscina , escuela , empresa ) .
Site : Es como un Campo o Terreno dónde se va a construir algo o también dónde va a ocurrir un evento … También se refiere a sitios internet ….
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Oscar Mendoza
Hi Judit! Here's my explanation:
A spot refers to a specific point or small location, often notable or interesting.
Ex: "Let's meet at the spot where we first met" or "I found a great picnic spot in the park."
A place is general term for any location, whether small or large, with some significance or purpose.
Ex: "I love going to that place for coffee" or "This is a great place to relax."
A site denotes a specific location where something significant has happened, is happening, or has historical importance.
Ex: "The site of the ancient city has been excavated" or "The construction site is off-limits to the public."
Each word is used to describe different aspects of a location or area, and the choice depends on the context and the level of detail you want to convey.
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