Hi, I'm Melissa Velasque, I'm an EFL teacher, ICPNA certified, looking to teach English to Youth and Adults from basic, intermediate and advanced levels and in a personalized way for optimal results, I also provide English advice for universities, institutes or schools for personal purposes, educational and professional.
My methodology varies depending on the skills and interests of the student...
Hi, I'm Melissa Velasque, I'm an EFL teacher, ICPNA certified, looking to teach English to Youth and Adults from basic, intermediate and advanced levels and in a personalized way for optimal results, I also provide English advice for universities, institutes or schools for personal purposes, educational and professional.
My methodology varies depending on the skills and interests of the student, I can adapt to your purposes with which you began your interest in the language from the comfort of your home and thus achieve together a long way to go that will be very satisfying both academically and personally.
I invite you to try and achieve much more, have my commitment that you learn in an interactive environment and above all at your own pace.
Hola, soy Melissa Velasque, soy una EFL teacher, certificada en ICPNA, en busca de poder enseñar Ingles a Jóvenes y Adultos desde cero y de manera personalizada para óptimos resultados, también brindo asesoría en Ingles para universidades, institutos o colegios para fines personales, educacionales y profesionales.
Mi metodología varia dependiendo de habilidades e intereses del alumno, puedo adaptarme a tus fines con los cuales iniciaron tu interés hacia el idioma desde la comodidad de tu casa y así lograr juntos un enorme camino por recorrer que sera muy satisfactorio tanto academicamente como personalmente.
Te invito a intentar y lograr mucho mas, ten mi compromiso de que aprendas en entorno interactivo y sobre todo a tu ritmo.
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