Perfil de Maribel Espinoza Lucho

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Licentiate teacher with unyielding commitment to educate, teenagers children and adults. Proven ability to foster trusting, cooperative environment that enables students to reach their full potential.
Skilled in the design of challenging, enriching, and innovative activities that address the diverse interests and needs of students. Recognized for excellent interpersonal, organizational, and class...
Licentiate teacher with unyielding commitment to educate, teenagers children and adults. Proven ability to foster trusting, cooperative environment that enables students to reach their full potential.
Skilled in the design of challenging, enriching, and innovative activities that address the diverse interests and needs of students. Recognized for excellent interpersonal, organizational, and classroom management skills. Active member in School English staffs.

? Master in Education with the specialty of Quality Management, Auto evaluation and Accreditation.
? Work as an active member of the school EIEC for the International Accreditation Process – CNEP.
? Implemented Social Competency curriculum to teach students appropriate social and interpersonal skills.
? Experienced in The Junior Achievement Program.
? Applied in a very effective way the use of new media technology during classes (TICS).
? Completed the two phases of the computing course “ WORD OFFICE” and “THE 2.0 WEB”
? Developed theme-based units that tie together different subject areas to reinforce learning of key concepts.
? Prepared curriculum to engage students to learn most effectively by applying the concept of MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES.
? Engaged in school-wide activities directed spring variety show called ENGLISH HELICO DAY and OPEN HOUSE.
? Introduced a “motivation” strategy to help and encourage students to take responsibility of their learning and behavior in class.
? Education graduate at National University Federico Villarreal.
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