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Frank Alexander
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Frank Alexander
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Frank Alexander en pocas palabras
During my clases I encourage my students to read, speak, listen and write from the very begining to let them get into the language by themselves using the learning tools provided throughout the course.
A dynamic and focused class to work on what you really need to improve according to your necessities as a student or even a speaker. Also you will find out that you can orginize your free time to...
During my clases I encourage my students to read, speak, listen and write from the very begining to let them get into the language by themselves using the learning tools provided throughout the course.
A dynamic and focused class to work on what you really need to improve according to your necessities as a student or even a speaker. Also you will find out that you can orginize your free time to dedicate it to learn your language and, to overcome all the obstacles when learning.
Repeating the vocabulary you get in every single exercise, will be the key to success in reaching your goal and, make you feel comfortable when using the language in a conversation, being able to demonstrate your abilities and skills.
In a globalized world you are currently living, it is mandatory to know the language used worldwide. Nowadays, you are able to communicate with any person in the planet through the technology, and that is why you need to learn English. Have a try!

The beginning:
(Born, Apr Magdaleno, a small village located in the southeast of Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela.) While my life was just beginning, a war was declared in a major country very close to mine; several thousand Argentine troops seized the Falkland (Malvina) Islands from Great Britain, but it just lasted 74 days and my life continued in a middle class family outside the city in a very small town surrounded by mountains near a big lake where economy is mainly based on Agriculture, Woodwork, and Forge.

My Family
My early years of life were very hard because of my mother´s death; it happened when I was only eleven just when I started High School. She suffered from cancer during several years and died at home right in front of me when she was twenty eight. After that, I had to move to my grandmother´s house and live along with my aunts. My grandmother, who is a very kind woman, raised me with conservative principles since they were a conservative family. That was not altogether wrong but if a person grows up in a liberal town like I indeed did, that person can get involved in difficult moral situations, I mean, you are supposed to be what you believe in instead of believing in what others want you to be.
I went through complicated situations therefore I consider myself fortunate because I have learned to be the person I am today. Furthermore it is very important for me being able to improve my social relationships.
On the other hand, someone who has inspired me a lot to move forward is an extraordinary man from the EE.UU. He died two years ago but accomplished many things when alive. His name was Michael Jackson and he also has been a role model for me.
My Studies and Jobs
I quickly graduated from High School in 1998 and started running my own business as a dealer: buying and selling furniture in a small store in my house. Years later I was admitted in UTEPAL Institute for computer studies. Additionally I took course in English which I did not finish and I continued working as a dealer besides working as a carpenter and blacksmith.
In 2006 I took an advanced course at the INCES Institute along with other people from different cities. At the end of the course, all the students formed a “cooperative association” with financial support from the Government; unfortunately it did not work because of business inexperience. Disappointed about what happened, I started a woodshop where I made different kinds of furniture and sold them throughout the country. It became a great opportunity to visit different cities such as: Margarita, Puerto la Cruz, Carúpano among others. I met then different kinds of people and personalities which really helped me to grow as a person.
My College
In the early months of 2007 I was admitted in UPEL College for education studies. Now I am in the middle of my college career which has been my dream since I was a teenager. Also I am working at a High School teaching English to my very quiet students. I love to teach children because I learn so many positive things from them and I can let them know the difficult situations they are going to face in the close future because of their experiences and the situations they will have gone through. I joined to this institution last year, and at the same time I keep my business, not longer as a carpenter but as owner of a furniture sale in a room attached to my Grandmother´s house where I sell household furniture for people nearby and also people who comes from all around the country.

Montero Frank
10 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Frank Alexander
Tony y otras 9 personas recomiendan a Frank Alexander
Actualmente llego clases con Frank y me siento realmente cómodo aprendiendo con él. Es muy flexible con el horario. Agradezco que se enfoque en la correcta pronunciación de las palabras. En cada sesión trabajamos el speaking, listening, reading y writing. Mucha paciencia, muy profesional y tiene un enorme dominio del idioma inglés. Recomendado
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Exelente profesor , Lo recomiendo
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Gibelly Rodríguez
Excelente clases muy dinámicas y explicativas, me siento muy satisfecho con lo aprendido.
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