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Clases de Español
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I learn Hebrew with Tomas and I find him as a great teacher and nice person. Professional, patient, and motivating. He corrects my reading, explains a lot of grammar, encourages to do my homework. Le...
I learn Hebrew with Tomas and I find him as a great teacher and nice person. Professional, patient, and motivating. He...
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Spanish Lessons / Clases de español virtuales o presenciales

Descripción del anuncio
I first taught Spanish when I came to Buenos Aires to study Literature at the University of Buenos Aires.

For many years, teaching Spanish has been alternatively my first or second job but a year ago I decided to quit my first job and focus upon teaching Spanish which is my passion.

I enrolled at the University of Salamanca to become a Certified Spanish Teacher/Tutor as a Foreign Language. At the same time as taking on this new challenge, I have also begun to offer virtual lessons as well, which was a new challenge for me.

The lessons I offer are tailored to the individual students' needs; though as the teacher, I always ensure I guide the student appropriately, making suggestions and editing the curriculum to help my students to achieve their goals.

I expect my students to be punctual in attending class, and to engage positively with the work. I expect them to complete homework and to allow their curiosity of the language lead them to new areas of study which we can pursue together to make their understanding of the language more well rounded. I want my student to want to learn Spanish! I want to enjoy teaching you!
44 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Tomás
Magda y otras 43 personas recomiendan a Tomás
I learn Hebrew with Tomas and I find him as a great teacher and nice person. Professional, patient, and motivating. He corrects my reading, explains a lot of grammar, encourages to do my homework. Learning Hebrew this way is fun even though language itself is challenging. I highly recommend Tomas!
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Tomás es mi profesor de hebreo desde hace ya un tiempo. Es la primera vez que tomo clases particulares de este idioma y estoy super contento. Siento que voy mejorando con cada clase. Tomás es un moré atento, serio y responsable, de los mejores profesores de idioma que tuve. Las clases son dinámicas y se adaptan a cada alumno. Lo recomiendo totalmente para aquellos que quieran acercarse al estudio de la lengua hebrea, van a aprender mucho! Martín
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Ricardo Gorodisch
Estudié hebreo hace muchos años en mi escuela primaria y desde entonces no tuve contacto con este idioma. De la mano de Tomás, no sólo pude reconectarme con la gramática y lo complejo del hebreo, sino que a partir del estilo de las clases, los aspectos emocionales de la lengua afloran y permiten que poco a poco me apropie de la misma. Tomás es un excelente moré (maestro en hebreo), claro en sus explicaciones, motivante en la necesidad de mi estudio a solas, y establece un ritmo organizante en las clases y entre ellas. En pocos meses me encuentro pudiendo comunicarme, curioso por saber más y poder en poco viajar a Israel con el idioma en mis manos. Agradecido por sobre todas las cosas al estudio con Tomás.
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