How to write a film review for your C1 exam

Here is a review I have written on the film The Fundamentals of Caring:

The Fundamentals of Caring

The Fundamentals of Caring is a comedy-drama film starring Paul Rudd as Ben; Craig Roberts as Trevor and Selena Gomez as Dot. The film premiered on January 29, 2016, and was subsequently released on Netflix.

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Ben, an unemployed middle-aged man lands a job as Trevor's caregiver, a teenage boy with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy who spends most of his time stuck indoors fantasising about places he'd like to see in the USA, including the world’s deepest pit. Ben convinces Trevor to go on a road trip with him, where they come across Dot, a young hitchhiker.

Their various trials and tribulations give Trevor lots of new life experiences and Ben also faces some of his demons along the way. Their friendships are convincing and they come up against various challenges together, which are truly moving at times.

Perhaps the plot is slightly too sentimental but the dry wit of the characters and the bonds they form are credible enough to make this film a bit of a tear-jerker. The standout performance is by Gomez, whose empathy towards Trevor is evident from the outset. The scenery of the various states they pass through is breath-taking and this is one of the strengths of the film.

Even if you are not keen on this genre, I'd recommend giving this film a go. Despite some strained moments, it is overall a very heart-warming film with a powerful message of the importance of friendship.

My top tips for review language:

  • Phrasal verbs e.g. come across
  • adjectives e.g sentimental
  • film-related vocabulary e.g. starring
  • collocations/phrases e.g. give....a go

So give review writing a go! Include all the language I've mentioned above and you'll be well on your way!